Estate Planning
It’s been said that even at the end
of a successful life that “You can’t
take it with you.” And while that’s
true, you certainly can ensure that
your surviving loved ones look
upon you as a smart, careful
planner until the end.
With your simple estate plan in
place, you’ll be able to fearlessly
enjoy the wealth you’ve
accumulated spending it as you
please. You’ll go out every day without
worry about would happen if you don’t
make it home. You’ll know that your
reputation remains intact because all your
debts and promises will be fulfilled. And, you’ll give your heirs the final gift of being able to fully attend to your memorial rather than the unsympathetic, unwanted demands of lenders or the taxing authority.
It true, a simple plan from MA Schneider Insurance can deliver all that and much more. And it’s equally true that overlooking or delaying this integral part of your overall financial plan can lead to costly and tragic outcomes like your family needing to sell the home they grew up in quickly and below market value or facing a sizeable demand letter from the folks at Revenue Canada. The toll these added pressures take often lead to infighting among the survivors and avoidable emotional pains.
With the stakes this high, you owe it to yourself to set an appointment today by clicking the Contact tab in the upper right of this page while you’re still reading. You’ll be amazed how much better you feel just by having the appointment set with us given the many years experience we have making sure your wishes and dreams continue potentially for generations to come.